But why is the class of those earning between 10 lakh to 50 lakh chosen?
Can a lower income class afford to provide multiple full-time jobs in their home like cook, driver, gardener, caretaker, coach, tutor or other servants? And if this is not done, then how can we produce that trickle down effect of two and a half times or more?
Can we consider the average number of members of an ordinary family (parents, two-three children and grandparents) to be five?
Now come back to boring mathematics, when we combine the family members of our upward moving wealthier 93470908 people by 5; do we not reach the total population of 467354540?
Is it not a third of the total 140 crore populations of our country; or in other words one family out of every three families of the country?
Is that one family could not afford to provide those other two families, direct employment like cook, driver etc. or to some others by like procuring fruits, vegetables, grocery, jewelry, vehicles etc.; which will provide employment to produce, transport, retail, wholesale, make, store or repair them?
Is this 467354540 newly upward moving wealthier population exceed; not the one or two or three but combined population of world's richest fourteen countries of highest incomes *436164599?